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CDD Information

In accordance with F.S. 189.069(2)(a)



1. Full Legal Name:               Old Palm Community Development District



2. Public Purpose:                To plan, finance, construct, operate, and maintain community-wide infrastructure    



​3. Fiscal year:                        October 1 through September 30



4. The full text of the special district’s charter, the date of establishment, the establishing entity, and the statute or statutes under which the special district operates, if different from the statute or statutes under which the special district was established. Community development districts may reference Chapter 190 as the uniform charter but must include information relating to any grant of special powers.


Date of Establishment:

Established December 19, 2002, by Ordinance No. 42-2002 granting those special powers to the CDD as set forth in Section 190.012(1) F.S.


Click the link below for Ordinance:

Old Palm (PDF)


Establishing Entity:                        City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


F.S. Chapter 190

F.S. Chapter 189



5. The mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, and Internet website uniform resource locator of the special district: 


5385 N. Nob Hill Road

Sunrise, FL 33351




6. A description of the boundaries or service area of, and the services provided by, the special district.


The District is located in Section 35, Township 41 South, Range 42 East, and Section 2, Township 42 South, Range 42 East and is bordered on the south by PGA Boulevard, on the east by Central Boulevard and portions of Interstate 95 and on the west by Florida’s Turnpike within the municipal limits of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach County, Florida.


Surface water management and control facilities, master road drainage, site-related roadway improvements and perimeter wall and buffer improvements.



7. The primary contact information for the special district for purposes of communication from the department:


Governmental Management Services – SF, LLC

5385 N. Nob Hill Road

Sunrise, FL 33351




​8. A code of ethics adopted by the special district, if applicable, and a hyperlink to generally applicable ethics provisions.


F.S. Chapter 112






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